more than 60 percent syrian children in turkey are attending school, education ministry official nezir gul said on april 29, 2018 in malatya, turkey.... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage05:38Over 60 pct Syrian children attend school in Turkey
yuksel coskunyurek, turkish deputy minister for transportation, maritime and telecommunications, oleg bocharov, russian deputy minister of industry... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:20Turkey's 1st aeronautical expo kicks off
the gaziantep governor and mayor briefed anadolu agency editors on turkey's active role in improving living standards of syrians inside and outside... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:36'We demonstrated Turkey's power on Syrian territory'
very famous landmark of bosnia and herzegovina's capital sarajevo, the cable car was reopened on april 06, 2018 with a ceremony after a 26-year... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:26Bosnia reopens iconic Sarajevo cable car
various aerial shots from the groundbreaking ceremony of akkuyu nuclear power plant in in turkey's southern mersin province on april 03, 2018.... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:05Groundbreaking ceremony of Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan and his russian counterpart vladimir putin attend the groundbreaking ceremony of akkuyu nuclear power plant... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:06Erdogan, Putin break ground for nuclear power plant
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan and his russian counterpart vladimir putin attended the groundbreaking ceremony of akkuyu nuclear santral via... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:30Erdogan, Putin break ground for nuclear power plant
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan and his russian counterpart vladimir putin attended the groundbreaking ceremony of akkuyu nuclear santral via... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage06:33Erdogan, Putin break ground for nuclear power plant
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan and his russian counterpart vladimir putin attended the groundbreaking ceremony of akkuyu nuclear power plant... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:30Erdogan, Putin break ground for nuclear power plant
migrants in the pursuit to reach western europe are now opting for an alternate route through bosnia and herzegovina as anti-trafficking forces clamp... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage05:37Migrants enroute to Bosnia in hopes of reaching Europe
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan delivers a speech during a program to mark world human rights day in the capital ankara on december 11, 2017.... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage05:48President Erdogan speaks on refugee situation in Turkey
turkey and somalia agreed on enhancing bilateral cooperation to defeat terrorism and improve security in the african nation, somali prime minister... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage05:37Turkey, Somalia agree to boost bilateral relations
the farmers war; unnamed co-op manager interview sot - saying farmers aren't afraid of common market as long as they have same means at their... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:06ITN Roving Report: The Farmers War
casino roulette wheel with the ball on number 35 - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Casino roulette wheel with the ball on number 35
london: ext lms new cars in forecourt same prices on cars ford advertisment on window prices on cars lms cars on forecourt geoff skipper intvw sof... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:35CAR SALES: NEW CARS
north london: palmsville rover: ext gv two men getting into 't'registration car on car showroom forecourt side driver sitting in car t' registered... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:13NEW VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS:
london: int gordon brown mp interviewed sot - we've gone thru period where we've had asian crisis, inflationary problems we had to tackle with... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage05:34GENERAL ELECTION: LABOUR ECONOMIC RECORD:
number of people out of work has fallen; lib england: london: int bv man looking at vacancies on board in job centre poster 'just the job' pull out... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Number of people out of work has fallen
school class sizes; itn england: co. durham: int tgvs primary school children working in classroom tms group of children working at table tgvs... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58School class sizes
liam fox speech at the dsei conference in london; england: london: excel centre: int **beware flash photography** dr liam fox mp speech sot - it is a... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:04Liam Fox speech at the DSEi conference in London
nick clegg speech to institute for government on civil liberties; nick clegg speech continued sot - recent weeks and days have seen quite a lot of... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:12Nick Clegg speech to Institute For Government on civil liberties
vince cable speech at british chambers of commerce annual conference; cable speech sot - we have had some success in winning over a growing number of... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage11:15Vince Cable speech at British Chambers of Commerce annual conference
gordon brown speech to royal society; gordon brown speech continued sot but while i passionately believe in our responsibilities to ensure good... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:08Budget Deficit: Gordon Brown speech to Royal Society
david cameron speech on welfare; england: london: brixton: int * * beware flash photography * * - today we're here to talk about a big challenge. i... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage13:03Conservative: David Cameron speech on welfare
ed miliband pledges reintroduction of 10p income tax funded by new mansion tax: ed miliband speech; i know that so many great british companies want... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:57Ed Miliband pledges reintroduction of 10p income tax funded by new mansion tax: Ed Miliband speech
russell square; itn audio track 1: fx / audio track 2: fx 00:26:14:09 - 00:28:18:01 fx/fx england: london: aldgate east: ext police evacuating area... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage16:04London Bomb Blasts: Russell Square
profits slump as company insists plan to attract audiences is working: michael grade interview; england: london: london stock exchange: int michael... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:18ITV profits slump as company insists plan to attract audiences is working: Michael Grade interview
prince charles visits prince's trust centre; prince charles, prince of wales, speaking sot - sorry you were kept in the dark as to who the hell was... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:41Riots: Prince Charles visits Prince's Trust centre
labour party leadership contest: david miliband launches official candidacy; miliband speech sot - task number two... renew and refresh our ideas,... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:30Labour Party leadership contest: David Miliband launches official candidacy
government jobs summit: gordon brown speech; brown response to questions sot - then the issue of apprenticeships and the public sector has a duty... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:48Government jobs summit: Gordon Brown speech
gordon brown round table meeting with northern ireland political parties; ext brown and peter hain mp , wearing red poppies, departing number 11 and... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:03Gordon Brown round table meeting with Northern Ireland political parties
livingstone wins labour candidacy: announcement; england: london: south bank: int harriet harman [acting labour leader] sot - result of the selection... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:21London mayoral race: Livingstone wins Labour candidacy: announcement
david cameron meets hungarian prime minister; england: london: downing street: int ** beware flash photography ** david cameron mp entering room... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:01David Cameron meets Hungarian Prime Minister
read interview sot - force being set up to fail man into doctors room police officer unwrapping swab to take dna sample swab being taken from mouth... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29BEDFORDSHIRE POLICE CLAIM THERE IS LITTLE THEY CAN DO
london: ext pregnant actress emma thompson posing for photocall outside film premiere lib ???: actress patricia hodge posing with baby in back of car... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13CHARITY WARNS WOMEN TO HAVE CHILDREN BEFORE THEY ARE 35:
day's main events; itn england: london: downing street: number 10: int blair laughing with man pull out as musharraf chatting to man in military... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15AFGHANISTAN WAR: Day's main events
vaz attacks blunkett comments; england: london: ext home secretary david blunkett mp from home office to car scotland: edinburgh: int allan chaudhry... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:40Vaz attacks Blunkett comments
dorset: dorchester: dorset county hospital: int gv hospital workers sitting at computers in the pathology unit test tubes on desk as fingers type... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:04HEALTH & SAFETY EXECUTIVE: DORSET HOSPITAL THREATENED WITH PROSECUTION OVER STAFF STRESS LEVELS:
london int patrick breen interview sot - sad decision/ reality is that rail mail is not economic worker dave dyer loading mail bags onto trolley... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:00LONDON UNDERGROUND RAILMAIL TO CLOSE
baghdad: int seq williams along through burned out irrigation ministry with esam fadil esam fadil interviewed sot - ask the company to put ten... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage05:07EVIDENCE OF SANCTION DODGING
london: british museum: int music overlaid over some of shots iron age coins dropped onto surface fade to press gathered in room track forward... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:58IRON AGE FIND
london: downing street: ext christmas tree outside number 10 i/c clean feed tape = d0625857 or d0625858 00.19.37 to 00.22.35 fx/mix programme as... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22GULF WAR: SADDAM HUSSEIN CAPTURE
laurence loughnane interview sot - the properties which are flooding regularly and will find it increasingly difficult to find insurance cover/ as... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Flooding Depresses Property Prices
sunderland: stadium of light: ext greg dyke interview sot - dr kelly told andrew gilligan the document had been sexed-up/ one example was 45 minute... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:02Butler Report on Iraqi War Intelligence: Greg Dyke Reaction:
merkel visit to britain; england: london: downing street: number 10: int prime minister tony blair mp along with german chancellor angela merkel zoom... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44Merkel visit to Britain
new record a level passes; england cheltenham int three girl students celebrating their a-level results vox pops students on their results sot i/c gv... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:34New record A Level passes
high court judge withdraws hospital treatment for war veteran; england london ext dr vivienne nathanson ex bma interview sot - wishes of the patient... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:40High Court judge withdraws hospital treatment for war veteran
text message ticket applications:; england int cms hand texting on mobile phone for live 8 tickets tcms mobile phone held and number dialled... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Live 8 concert: Text message ticket applications:
health chiefs attend summit with prime minister; england: london: downing street: number 10: int tony blair mp interview sot - hospitals that are in... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Health chiefs attend summit with Prime Minister
single 'crazy' is first chart number 1 from downloads only; computer screen pull focus 'crazy uk release 03.03.06' on gnarls barkley internet site... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39ARTS / NEW TECHNOLOGY: Single 'Crazy' is first chart Number 1 from downloads only
david hasselhoff launches autobiography and uk music single; london: ext scott mills interview sot - i mentioned it on my show last week / i put my... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19David Hasselhoff launches autobiography and UK music single
close-up of red alcohol 'mercury' in a wooden metric thermometer rising from 24 to 38 degrees celsius. - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:05Close-up of red alcohol 'mercury' in a wooden metric thermometer rising from 24 to 38 degrees Celsius.
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks during the martyrs' memorial day ceremony for the 102nd anniversary of the canakkale naval victory in... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:06Canakkale bridge opens new era for martyrs: Erdogan
ws aerial pov plane taking off from runway, landscape in background / new york city, new york state, united states - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47WS AERIAL POV Plane taking off from runway, landscape in background / New York City, New York State, United States
palestinians stage a solidarity rally organized by the islamic jihad group to demand the release of israeli-held palestinian female prisoners in... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:30Solidarity rally for Palestinian female prisoners in Gaza
governor of the bank of england ends cheap bank loans for mortgages; r13091310 / rutland: 'connells ... house prices are on the rise' sign r26021303... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Governor of the Bank of England ends cheap bank loans for mortgages
government's austerity agenda: frontline cuts; england: hertfordshire: watford general: int close shots screen showing waiting times for patients itn... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:21Government's austerity agenda: Frontline cuts
various shots from gentofte distrcit of denmark located north of copenhagen on december 02, 2016. a new study shows the number of bikes in copenhagen... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage06:54Copenhagen now has more bikes than cars
"space junk and satellites, animation" - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40"Space junk and satellites, animation"
azerbaijani president ilham aliyev votes at a polling station during the referendum for constitutional changein baku, azerbaijan on september 26,... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:03Azerbaijan votes on constitutional change
voting in a constitutional referendum in azerbaijan begins on september 26, 2016 in a move which could increase presidents’ tenures from five to... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54Azerbaijan votes on constitutional change
israeli soldiers conduct raid at homes in the palestinian al-fawwar refugee camp, in hebron, on august 16, 2016. a palestinian teenager was shot dead... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:24Palestinian killed during clashes with Israeli forces at refugee camp in Hebron
double-decker bus stopping on a busy street - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Double-decker bus stopping on a busy street
a camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of chinese workers assembling gps units and circuit boards - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47A camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of Chinese workers assembling GPS units and circuit boards
a camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of chinese workers assembling gps units and circuit boards - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44A camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of Chinese workers assembling GPS units and circuit boards
a camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of chinese workers assembling gps units and circuit boards - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39A camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of Chinese workers assembling GPS units and circuit boards
a camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of chinese workers assembling gps units and circuit boards - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43A camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of Chinese workers assembling GPS units and circuit boards
a camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of chinese workers assembling gps units and circuit boards - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50A camera mounted onto an electronics assembly line pans left to reveal a number of Chinese workers assembling GPS units and circuit boards
"international trophy auto race" superimposed over a few race cars speeding on a rain-soaked section of track / cars start on a wet track; one car... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46British Racing Drivers' Club holds International Trophy race in spite of heavy rain
the spokesperson for the brussels prosecutor says the number of people killed in the attacks that took place in brussels may still rise from the... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:40CLEAN : More victims may be identified in Brussels attack: spokesperson
belgian authorities have lowered the death toll from last weeks brussels suicide attacks to 32 victims after thorough verification a day after they... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:30CLEAN : Brussels attacks: 32 dead according to revised toll 2
belgian authorities have lowered the death toll from last weeks brussels suicide attacks to 32 victims after thorough verification a day after they... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29CLEAN : Brussels attacks: 32 dead according to revised toll
the spokesperson for the brussels prosecutor says the number of people killed in the attacks that took place in brussels may still rise from the... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:40CLEAN : More victims may be identified in Brussels attack: spokesperson
hokkaido railway company held its first test run for the general public on saturday february 13, of the round trip between shin-hakodate hokuto... - number 35 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:16The Hokkaido Shinkansen Line Holds Public Test Run